sábado, 11 de outubro de 2014

Resume-Conference of International Prof. Dr. Orley Dulcetti Junior in EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR CHINESE STUDIES 20th Conference, July 2014.

Resumo da Conferência do Internacional Prof.Dr. Orley Dulcetti Junior, em Julho 2014, na EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR CHINESE STUDIES 20th Conference. Confiram:

The dào of the ancient Taoism in the Nèijīng

Orley Dulcetti Junior (AFEC, EACS)

The Chinese thought, which was developed over time and reached maturity in the classical period in China during the Warring States (403-256 BC.) and Hàn dynasty (206 BC - 229 AD), with a diversity of families - houses of Chinese sages, which influenced the formation of the Chinese medical thinking, which extended until the Táng dynasty in developing of the fundamental text of Chinese medicine: "Inner Classic of the Yellow Emperor " (Huángdì Nèijīng 內經黃帝), or simply Nèijīng. The notion of dào is a central theme in various streams of Chinese thought, especially the ancient Taoism, which exerted a strong influence on the formation of Chinese medicine. Here discusses the evolution of dào in this context, its value polysemic and polyvalent assimilated into the Nèi Jīng , the text which was compiled by Wáng Bīng (720 a. C.). In this paper are presented collations of translation of excerpts from classical Chinese of the Internal Classic for the Portuguese language accompanied by pinyin transliteration with contextualized excerpts from the works of Zhuāng zǐ, Lǎozǐ, Huáinán zǐ. The Nèi Jīng is a book that served and serves to regulate the life, Chinese medicine in the Taoist teachings in China, the countries of Indo-European languages and throughout the world today
Amostra das Questões Simples do Clássico Interno do Imperador Amarelo de Wang Bing, no Sìbù Quánshū 四部 全書secção dos mestres chineses. Recompilado durante a dinastia Qīng ().

Amostra do capítulo 1 do rolo 1 do Lǎozǐ Dàodé Jīng (道德經) no pincel de Wáng Bì Zhù (王弼)

2 comentários:

  1. E você mestre tem facilitado a nossa compreensão desse pensamento tão diferente do nosso, através de suas aulas, tão importantes para mim!

  2. Você , minha aluna é muito importante para mim, pois não há o mestre sem a discípula. Obrigado pelo comentário,nos laços do tao, sou sincera e carinhosamente, Prof. Orley Dulcetti Junior
